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In recent years, the fashion industry in Ukraine has been plagued by the presence of counterfeit clothing and accessories. Ukrainian authorities in the Odessa region have recently discovered three unauthorized clothes and fashion accessories workshops and seized counterfeits bearing many well-known brands. The scale of the operation is staggering, with about EUR 87 million worth of fake clothes, shoes, and accessories confiscated.
Ukrainian police officials recently seized 385 sportswear items and 140 jackets infringing several well-known trademarks while searching two workshops in Ovidiopolskiy district in the Odessa
This discovery is part of an international effort to crack down on the production and distribution of counterfeit goods. In a coordinated operation, authorities seized counterfeit goods worth EUR . The operation targeted not only the manufacturers but also the sellers who were involved in the illegal trade of fake products.
The presence of so many sellers from Ukraine in the counterfeit fashion market has raised concerns about the country's reputation in the global fashion industry. Websites like r/Grailed have reported an influx of fake Ukrainian vintage resellers who are trying to evade detection by selling their goods online.
The Ukrainian authorities have been proactive in their efforts to combat the production of counterfeit clothing. The discovery of the unauthorized workshops in Odessa is just one example of their ongoing efforts to shut down fake clothes operations. Ukrainian cyber police have also busted a massive fake sportswear operation, further highlighting the extent of the problem.
In a recent raid, Ukrainian police discovered another fake clothes workshop and seized a large quantity of counterfeit goods. The operation was a major blow to the counterfeit fashion industry in Ukraine, as it disrupted the production and distribution of fake clothing.
Despite the efforts of law enforcement, some Ukrainian vintage resellers are still able to evade detection. Reports have emerged of resellers dodging air raids to continue selling fake goods. This highlights the challenges faced by authorities in cracking down on the counterfeit fashion industry.
Why are so many "European" sellers located in Ukraine, it's really annoying when you are trying to evade import taxes. They can mark it as a gift.
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fake clothes ukraine - Ukrainian Police Shut Down Fake Clothes Workshop, Seize Fake